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Chapter 10: Teaching with VEXcode VR

Lesson 4: Learning in Open-Ended Challenges

In this Lesson, you will learn about the open-ended challenge students will complete at the end of the CS Level 1 Blocks Course. This exploration into open-ended challenges will look at why open-ended challenges are used at the end of this second course and what your students' learning will look like as they move through these challenges.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain how students learn through open-ended challenges.
  • Describe the value of productive struggle during open-ended challenges.

Open-Ended Challenges

At the end of the CS Level 1 Blocks course, students move from structured, step-by-step learning into an open-ended challenge in the Capstone - Coral Reef Cleanup. Open-ended challenges invite students to dive into the concepts they have mastered, using their knowledge in a dynamic, exploratory way. After completing the preceding 9 Units of content, students have built a solid foundation. They have been learning about sequencing, the sensors on the robot, conditional statements, algorithms, and more. As students approach their first open-ended challenge, they are equipped with the tools and understanding needed to tackle it. Now, with all that knowledge at their disposal and the ability to seek out additional information, students are ready to move beyond the detailed guidance provided in previous Units.

Open-ended challenges are exactly what they sound like: open. Students are presented with a real-world problem and a framework for approaching it, but the paths they choose will be as diverse as their own thinking. This variety of approaches and solutions is where the real magic happens. Learning and discovery in these Units are deeply tied to the activity itself, influenced by the context and culture of the classroom.1 VEXcode VR is crafted to spark conversations and learning around robotics and computer science. As students transition to these open-ended challenges, they begin the journey of preparing for future learning and by extension their potential future careers.2

Learning in an Open-Ended Challenge

The three-phase process students follow in an open-ended challenge is designed to fuel their learning. These challenges are meant to push students into productive struggle—a space where they can develop critical habits like perseverance, flexible thinking, and active learning. This struggle can be tough, sometimes leading to frustration as students iterate through the process. It may be tempting to step in and offer solutions, but true success in facilitating these challenges lies in guiding students with questions that help them navigate their frustrations on their own – not in you providing a solution.

Promoting Productive Struggle

The classroom environment, including the relationship between teacher and student, plays a crucial role in supporting students through productive struggle.3 These struggles encourage students to confront and stretch their existing knowledge and skills, as well as their ability to communicate doubts and frustrations.4 As they learn about the VEXcode VR, computer science, robotics, and even their own social-emotional skills, your role as the teacher is to stand beside them. By observing, checking in, and asking insightful questions, you can ensure that students feel supported and heard throughout the process.5

Learning Through Discovery

Students learn through discovery by actively engaging with the material and concepts in a way that encourages exploration and inquiry, as is presented in these open-ended challenges. This approach to learning allows students to take ownership of their educational journey, as they are not merely recipients of information but active participants in the learning process. When students are given the freedom to explore, ask questions, and test hypotheses, they develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter. This type of learning fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as students are encouraged to think creatively and draw connections between concepts that they might not encounter through traditional instruction. Those crossovers and connections are happening within each of the phases, but are most pronounced when students begin their transition from one phase to another. 

The three-phases presented to help organize students in the Capstone helps to provide both a framework for completing the challenge as well as a framework to encourage students to think about their thinking. During each phase, students will focus on a particular aspect of the problem-solving process, and are instructed to check-in with you for approval before moving on. Note that this is not meant to be a purely linear process. Students will inevitably move back and forth between phases throughout the course of the challenge as they discover new questions or aim to refine their plans.

The structure of these phases compels students to constantly think about what they know, what they do not know, and what they need to learn to accomplish the goal of the challenge.

Image of notes in various colors on a piece of paper. Some lines are crossed out. Arrows point some lines to other places. The notebook shows that students have been collaborating and updating their plan as they talked.

Phase 1: Planning

The first step to solving a challenge is understanding the challenge and making a plan. The goal of Phase 1 is for students to document and present possible solutions to solve the challenge.

Between Phase 1 and 2, students must determine how to move forward from their ideation into a concrete plan with pseudocode. A successful transition from idea to pseudocode requires a thorough, conceptual knowledge of the challenge and the behaviors associated with executing the plan. This is a hard thing to do. These transitions are what create the productive struggle and the opportunity for questions and investigation. For example, if students are unsure what behaviors are involved with driving the robot forward to pick up trash, then students can use the resources previously learned about to determine those behaviors.

A handwritten diagram and pseudocode for driving the VR Robot to pick up trash.. The diagram shows a robot at the start position with a directional path indicating movement forward, a turn to the right, and then forward again. Below the diagram, the pseudocode reads: "Start. 1. Drive to the first piece of trash. a. Drive forward. 2. Drive to the next piece of trash. a. Turn right. b. Drive forward." The steps are clearly marked and correspond to the robot's path shown in the diagram.

Phase 2: Pseudocoding

The next step is to break down the plan into the component steps. The goal of Phase 2 is for students to document and present detailed pseudocode showing the steps and behaviors needed to enact their plan to fulfill the challenge.

Between Phase 2 and 3, students must take their conceptual understanding of the pseudocode transition those behaviors into code. This transition has multiple elements for students to work through. The first element is the direct correlation in their pseudocode between behaviors like driving the VR Robot forward to collect trash and the Drive for block. The second is the sequence of those behaviors. Students should have a starting idea of sequence, but that will change as they begin to test and iterate on their VEXcode projects. Students are grappling both with the tactical knowledge of creating a VEXcode project and the conceptual elements of how to turn pseudocode into the logic elements like conditional statements. Again, students will inevitably struggle through this process. They need to rely on their group, the resources they have access to, and their own creativity to work through these frustrating moments.

A screenshot of a block-based programming sequence in VEXcode. The program begins with a When started block, followed by a comment block reading "Drive to the first piece of trash." This is followed by a block reading, “Drive forward for 800mm." After that, another comment: Drive to the next piece of trash. Then two blocks: "turn right for 90 degrees" and "drive forward for 700 mm." A green checkmark icon is displayed on the right side, indicating successful command validation or completion.

Phase 3: Building and Testing

The next step is to build and test a VEXcode project to solve the challenge. The goal of Phase 3 is for students to create a VEXcode project that completes the challenge, based on the plan and pseudocode they created previously.

As previously mentioned, these phases are iterative in nature and will be repeated many times. Remember that students may become frustrated with these transitions or with the constant iteration between phases – that is okay! Productive struggle and learning through discovery can be uncomfortable, but you are there to support your students through the journey. If you would like to talk more about productive struggle and Open-Ended Challenge Units, please share your questions in the PD+ Community or schedule a 1-on-1 Session.

You will learn more about facilitating these open-ended challenges in the following Lesson.

1 Tobias, S., & Duffy, T. M. (2009). The Success or Failure of Constructivist Instruction: An Introduction. In Constructivist Instruction: Success or Failure? essay, Routledge.

2 Ibid.

3 Murdoch, D., English, A. R., Hintz, A., & Tyson, K. (2020). Feeling heard: Inclusive education, transformative learning, and productive struggle. Educational Theory, 70(5), 653-679, .

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid.