Chapter 4: Using a Simple Clawbot
Lesson 3: Coding the Claw
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives Section
- Identify that the Devices screen can be used to view information about the motor including the position of the motor in degrees
- Identify the steps to open the Simple Clawbot (Drivetrain 2-motor) template in VEXcode IQ
- Identify how to use blocks in VEXcode IQ to spin the claw motor open and close for a set number of degrees or rotations
- Identify how to use information about the claw motor from the Devices screen in a VEXcode IQ project
- Use Drivetrain and motor commands to code a robot to move a VEX IQ Cube from one side of the Field to another
Lesson Materials
Materials Needed Section
- A VEX IQ (2nd generation) Kit A completed Simple Clawbot
- A charged Battery
- 6 VEX IQ Field Tiles
- 6 VEX IQ Field Walls
- An IQ Cube (color does not matter)
- Access to VEXcode IQ
Summary Section
This is the third video of the Introduction to VEX IQ (2nd gen) Training Course - Chapter 4. If you have not yet watched the second video, go back and watch Lesson 2: Controlling the Claw. In Lesson 3, you will learn how to open and close the claw autonomously using VEXcode IQ.
View the following resource related to the concepts covered in the video as you continue your learning.